The Scattered Church

Citylight Lincoln Church is committed to both gathering and scattering as the church. Jesus has called us to make disciples and we believe the best way to make disciples is to scatter throughout the week in City Groups. A City Group is a missional community focused on making, maturing, and mobilizing disciples. We want everyone to be in a City Group and experience the joy of being transformed by the gospel, sharing life together, and being on mission together with others.

To check out a City Group, click "I want to join" and let the leaders know you'd like to visit their group this week!

01 | Smith + Becker

(70th & Pioneer)
Sunday 4:30 PM

02 | Jacobson + Petry

(27th & Pine Lake)
Thursday 6:30 PM

03 | Dannenbring + Zeleny

(48th & Pioneers)
Monday 6:30 PM

04 | Nelson + Sandin

(40th & A)
Tuesday 6:30 PM

05 | Deighton + Baptiste

(Malcom/Raymond area)
Wednesday 6:30 PM

06 | Meyer + VanLaningham

(14th & Adams)
Wednesday 6:30  PM

07 | Fairchild+ North + Jamison

(17th & Van Dorn)
Wednesday 6:30 PM

08 | Froehlich + Armstrong

(56th & Pine Lake)
Monday 6:30 PM

09 | Conant + Sims

(9th & D)
Monday 7:00 PM

10 | Pierce + Smith

Sunday 6:15 PM

11 | Huether + Harms

(70th & Yankee Hill)
Wednesday  6:15 PM

12 | McCoskey + Bryan

(27th & Van Dorn)
Thursday 6:15 PM

13 | Cornelio + Kilzer

(84th & O)
Wednesday 5:45  PM

14 | Owens + Smith

Thursday 6:30  PM

15 | Bubak + Clark

(56th & Randolph)
Wednesday 7:00  PM

16 | Ryan + Reed

(27th & Superior)
Wednesday 6:30 PM

17 | Budman + Edzinski

(84th & O)
 Wednesday 7:00 PM

18 | Start your own group!


Need another option?

If you are not able to find a day/time that works for you, please let us know! New groups are continuing to form so you will be the first to know when they are getting ready to launch.

City Group Locations