Just as Citylight Church is committed to multiplying Jesus-centered disciples and churches, Citylight Kids exists to help kids and families know Jesus, enjoy Jesus, and share Jesus with others. We want to help kids take ownership of their faith & parents take ownership of their kids discipleship.

We aim to share the Gospel through Scripture, prayer, relationship, and fun. Our highest value is providing a physically and emotionally safe environment for kids to grow in understanding of Jesus and His plan for their life- to know Him and enjoy Him forever. We utilize Lifeway’s Gospel Project curriculum and focus on knowing God through His Word together.

God Rules
Ask: "Who is in charge at home?" Explain that because God created everything, He is in charge of everything.
Revelation 4:11
Revelation 4:11

We Sinned
Ask: "Have you ever done something wrong?" Tell kids that everyone sins or disobeys God. Our sin separated us from God.
Romans 3:23
Romans 3:23

God Provided
Explain that God is holy and must punish sin. God sent his Son, Jesus, to take the punishment we deserve.
John 3:16
John 3:16

Jesus Gives
Ask: "What is the best gift you've ever received?" Say that Jesus took our punishment for sin by giving His life, and He give us His righteousness. God sees us as if we lived the perfect life Jesus lived. Best gift ever!
2 Corinthians 5:21
2 Corinthians 5:21

We Respond
Explain that everyone has a choice to make. Ask: "Will you trust Jesus as your Savior and Lord? You can turn away from self and sin and turn to Jesus."
Romans 10:9-10
Romans 10:9-10
Our Dream Team
This group of disciple makers are committed to equipping kids to walk with Jesus for a lifetime. As we continue to grow as a ministry we want to invite more volunteers to serve on Sunday's in the Kid's Ministry!

For Our Families
Our vision is to actively partner with parents in nurturing the spiritual development of each child. Parents are the primary disciple makers of their kids. We encourage parents to actively participate in worship, Bible study, fellowship, and ministry opportunities individually and with their children.

Sunday Mornings
We offer Citylight Kids Ministry during the first three Sunday gatherings, downstairs at 8:00am, 9:15am, and 10:30am. We also offer family parking up front to make it a bit easier for those chaotic mornings! Our goal is not only to watch over your kiddos but to share the Good News of the Gospel every week!

Parent Commissioning
We believe that parents are the most important and impactful disciple makers to their kids lives. So we want to honor and recognize parents commitment to raising them to know Jesus! Email abby@citylightlincoln.org if you would like to be commissioned!

Family Fellowship
Being in fellowship with other families is something we find extremely valuable! We have an amazing group of young moms and dads as well as empty-nesters that we want to connect you with! What a joy it is to be surrounded by people who can help carry similar burdens we face.

Gospel Resources
Learning is important for kids and parents! We are continuously striving to find more Gospel-centered resources to help teach us how to shepherd our kids like Jesus shepherds us and ways we can help our kids to grow to have a deep and personal relationship with Jesus! See below for more!
Meet the Team

Kaitlyn Schmeling
Citylight Kids Intern

Kaitlyn Schmeling
Kids Ministry Intern
Family Resources
Online & Video Resources
for Parents
Online & Video Resources
for Kids
Books for Parents

Family Resources
Online & Video Resources for Parents
Online & Video Resources for Kids
Books for Parents