Magnify Jesus by multiplying disciples and churches.


To see God grow a movement of disciples multiplying disciples
in their networks, the next generation, new cities, & the nations.


Magnify Jesus by multiplying disciples and churches.


To see God grow a movement of disciples multiplying disciples in their networks, the next generation, new cities, & the nations.


Just as Christians have been doing for 2,000 years, we gather together every Sunday to celebrate Jesus, delight in his Word, worship Him through singing, remember His sacrifice through communion, rejoice in baptisms & stories of His grace. These Sunday gatherings will serve the broader mission of multiplying disciples and churches, and we dream of these gatherings equipping disciples of Jesus to scatter in to City Groups and eventually multiply churches.

Join us Sunday's at 8:00am, 9:15am or 10:30am


We gather on Sundays for singing, preaching, sacraments, and stories. Just as Christians have been doing for 2,000 years, Citylight will gather on Sundays to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, delight in his Word, worship Him together, and remember the Lord’s Supper and baptism. These Sunday gatherings will serve the broader mission of multiplying disciples and churches, and we dream of these gatherings equipping disciples of Jesus to scatter in to City Groups and eventually multiply churches.

Join us Sunday's at 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:30am


We scatter throughout the week in City Groups. City Groups are the heart of Citylight Church. They are not an optional program or a seasonal Bible study. A City Group is a mid-sized community (15-40 people) who are growing in the Gospel, listening to the Scriptures, connecting as family, and serving a specific neighborhood or network in the city. We envision City Groups that are small enough to care for each other’s growth in Christ, but big enough to dare to engage the culture around them. As disciples multiply among Citylight, so will City Groups and churches.


We scatter throughout the week in City Groups. City Groups are the heart of Citylight Church. They are not an optional program or a seasonal Bible study. A City Group is a mid-sized community (15-40 people) who are growing in the Gospel, listening to the Scriptures, connecting as family, and serving a specific neighborhood or network in the city. We envision City Groups that are small enough to care for each other’s growth in Christ, but big enough to dare to engage the culture around them. As disciples multiply among Citylight, so will City Groups and churches.


DOWN - Gospel 

The Gospel is the good news that God saves sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. God isn't waiting for us to claw our way up to Him, He has come down to us. Jesus has done for us what we never could do ourselves.  This gospel is the power of God to save sinners and transform neighborhoods and nations (Romans 1:16).  The Gospel isn’t just the ABCs of following Jesus – it is the A to Z of following Jesus.  This value is THE value that seeps into everything we do. It's of first importance as a church. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

UP - Devotion

Jesus is such a marvelous Savior that we can't help but want to be more like Him. And through the power of the Gospel & work of the Spirit, we are progressively molded into becoming more like Jesus (Romans 8:29) This doesn't mean our aim is simply to be better Christians, slowly improving our morality & cleaning our lives up. It means as we gaze upon Jesus together, through His Word, the trappings of sin lose their addictive appeal & we realize Jesus is better. As the old hymn says, "The things of the earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory & grace"

IN - Family

The church isn't a place, but a people. It's more than a weekly assembly of individuals. It's a humble, joyful community committed to loving each other and doing life together. Jesus said that the world would know that we're Christians by the way we love each other (John 13:35) The primary expression of community in our church is City Groups, where we connect to hear the gospel, respond to the gospel, and share the gospel. We will never settle for being a weekly gathering for people to attend, but will continually invite people to share their lives with others in missional community.

OUT - Mission

The church is God’s missionary agency to reach the unreached with the Gospel. At the end of our streets & the ends of the earth. Missions isn't just a ministry within the church, but the very orientation of our entire church. The same gospel that transforms us within also compels us outward on mission. We exist as a church to be both “a city on a hill” and “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). We do this by focusing each of our City Groups around a shared mission – seeking to love, serve, and make disciples of neighborhoods and networks of people throughout our city of Lincoln.


DOWN - Gospel 

The Gospel is the good news that God saves sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  God has reached down to us.  Jesus has done for us what we never could do ourselves.  This gospel is the power of God to save sinners and transform neighborhoods and nations (Romans1:16).  The Gospel isn’t just the ABCs of following Jesus – it is the A to Z of following Jesus.  It is of first importance in all we will do as a church (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

UP - Devotion

The Gospel is such wonderful news that we can’t help but respond.  We want to respond with faith, repentance, and worship.  This means we look to Jesus for everything in our lives and in our church.  We trust him with our hearts and our behaviors.  We also respond to him with repentance – real change in our lives birthed out of loving Jesus more than anything else.  And we respond to God with worship, both in our whole lives and in our gatherings.  We celebrate God’s presence, welcome His Spirit, and preach His Word in response to all He has done.

IN - Family

The church is not a place but a people. It’s more than a weekly assembly of individuals.  It is a humble, joyful community committed to loving each other and doing life together. The primary expression of community in our church will be City Groups, where we connect to hear the gospel, respond to the gospel, and share the gospel. We will never settle for only being a weekly gathering for people to attend, but will continually invite people to share their lives with others as “a people for God’s own possession” (1 Peter 2:9).

OUT - Mission

The church is God’s missionary agency to reach the unreached with the Gospel. Missions is not just one ministry within the church, but the very orientation of our church. The same gospel that transforms us within also compels us outward on mission. We exist as a church to be both “a city on a hill” and “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). We do this by focusing each of our City Groups around a shared mission – seeking to love, serve, and make disciples of neighborhoods and networks of people in Lincoln.


It starts with our networks. The people that are close to us but far from God. This could be your neighbor, your co-worker or someone you meet at a local coffee shop. We want to create more disciples in our networks!

Matthew 5:16
“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven”

Next Generation

We want to invite every generation to invest in the next generation. Whether you're a mom pouring into a college student or a high schooler pouring into kids on a Sunday morning, disciples are being made.

Psalms 145:4
“One Generation shall commend Your works to another”

New Cities

Our metric for success isn't seating capacity, it's sending capacity. Our church dreams of sending disciples out to new cities. That might be through a church plant, like Fort Collins, or getting a job in a new location. We want to invest into those who will go out and continue to make disciples in new cities.

1 Thessalonians 1:8
“For not only has the Word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia & Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere”

The Nations

There are billions of people who haven't heard the name of Jesus. There's a heartbreaking need for the Gospel in unreached people groups all over the world. As a church we respond to the Gospel with a missional heart to develop and deploy trained workers into the harvest!

Romans 15:20
“I make it my ambition to preach the Gospel, not where Christ has 
already been named”

“Magnify the Lord with me, and exalt His name together” - Psalm 34:3